Computer Bug Lyrics
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Verse 1
I was using the computer
Tried to make, my own game
I was using the computer
but it didn’t work.
Verse 2
the computer got confused
a bug was messing with the code
the computer got confused
and didn’t know what to do
Verse 3
When there is a bug in the code
it means that something isn’t right.
When there is a bug in the code
it could be something I misspelled
So this is what we do
When we find out what is wrong
We debug the code
and fix up all the mistakes
We will keep on trying
till everything just works
then we can play the game
how it was meant to be played
Verse 4
I am using the computer
now I made my own game
I am using the computer
and it’s working great… again.
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Ages 3-5, Ages 6-8, Coding & STEAM, Lessons