
Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Ottiya platform or magazine! All of the details are below:

What kind of content is Ottiya looking for?

We are looking for submissions that are thought-provoking and creative sprinkled with the right amount of research, narrative, and opinion

  • thought-provoking: offers a new perspective, opens up dialogue, makes us pause & think
  • creative: presents a new way of framing issues or an unconventional perspective + furthers the conversation about quality education

We want to hear from all of you: children, students, educators, designers, illustrators, programmers, and everyone else. Yes: children and adults are welcome to write together!

These are the three main sections that brings together diverse stories and activities in all of our magazines:


  • a short article that explains how adults and children can come together for learning and education + a hands-on activity for families and classrooms (for the ages of 6-12)

Design for Learning

  • an article that explores the intersections of design, architecture, and education

Community Voices

  • op-eds and other thought-provoking and creative articles

Suggested Article Formats: research article, site-visits, interview, short multi-part interviews (e.g. three perspectives on play), photo essays, op-eds

Submissions for the Empathy Issue are closed. But, if you’d like to become a contributor to our website, you can sign up right here:


We are collecting drawings/illustrations by children and youth for the third issue of the Ottiya magazine which is all about empathy. For each drawing/painting, each artist needs to provide a description of his/her drawing in 3-5 sentences. If the description is in a language other than English, please provide the description in the original language and also in English.

If you’re interested in submitting an illustration, please fill out the submissions form or scan the illustration and write a description of the drawing in an email to hello[at] with the headline: Ottiya_EmpathyDrawing. Please note that the scanned image must be at least 2400 pixels in width (300 DPI) and you must be the parent/legal guardian or have consent from the parental/legal guardian.


What does empathy look like to you? We are collecting photos to introduce the theme of empathy.

If you’re interested in submitting your photo,please fill out the submissions form or email hello[at] with the headline: Ottiya_EmpathyPhotograph. Please note that all photographs must be at least 300 DPI and the photograph must be taken by the photographer submitting it. Photographers must have obtained consent from the parental/legal guardian(s) of any children in the photo.

Full-length Articles

Ottiya welcomes submissions that spark conversations about quality education, provides a window into the best teaching & learning experiences from all over the world, and allows families, educators, and children to reflect together about learning and education.

Some suggestions for article topics are:

  • How do we learn to be empathetic? How can it be taught in conjunction with other ideas such as design thinking or subject areas like social studies, music, or math? (teaching & learning)
  • What kind of spaces allow for discussions about empathy? What role do museums play in the process?  (learning and education spaces)
  • How does empathy relate to creativity and design? (creativity and design)
  • Why is empathy important to oneself and the community? (well-being & community)
  • Why should we care about empathy? (values & ethics)
  • What are the limitations of how we talk about empathy in education today? What’s missing in the dialogue? (opinion)

If you’re interested in writing an article, please use this form to send in your pitch with the following information by October 31st, 2018:

  • Type of Article (Article Format) you are interested in writing
  • An abstract of your proposed piece (250~500 words)
  • Which category your article fits best in (hand-in-hand, design for learning, or community voices)
  • A Brief description of why you’re qualified to write this article (200 words)

Magazine Submission FAQ

When is the submission deadline? What will happen after I send a submission?
We will be collecting work until the end of October and will get back to everyone by (latest), the second week of November. 
What happens after my work is selected to be in the magazine?
We will send you a contributor’s agreement to grant us permission to publish your work. From then on, our editorial team will work closely with you to produce the best work for the magazine! We usually go through 2-3 iterations of the piece (for articles). Just before and/or after publication, we will also be in touch for a follow-up interview to introduce you on our blog and social media
Do contributors receive any compensation and/or benefits?
Contributors who submit a full-length (work that takes up 3 pages or more) activity, article, or photo essay will receive a complimentary copy of the magazine and have their profile introduced in the magazine in the main contributors section. They may also be introduced on the Ottiya blog and/or social media channels and newsletters. Contributors who submit less than a full-length contribution (e.g. a few photos, illustrations, or a one page activity) will be able to purchase a magazine at a discounted rate. We also offer significant editorial support before publication. While we do not provide monetary compensation for magazine contributions, we give priority to magazine contributors when reviewing book publications, media collaborations, and teaching opportunities.

Ottiya Series Submissions & General Inquiries

Ottiya Series may be a good fit if you want to write about something that is not related to the next magazine’s theme. Contributors in Ottiya Series may have the opportunity to be introduced in our social media channels and newsletter & also be considered for future magazine publications. If you’re interested in becoming a Ottiya Series, please fill out this form:

if you read this whole page and still have questions or just want to be part of our roster of photographers/illustrators, please introduce yourself & contact us by using this form or email us at hello[at]!