Group Subscriptions

Ottiya offers unique print and digital content for organizations of all sizes. Bulk Subscription rate discounts range from 10% to 30%. Contact us for a quote for Group Subscriptions 

Subscription Options

Bulk Individual Subscription, online only

Plan includes complete access to our website and historic PDF archive for your entire organizations or individuals you select (minimum 25).

Monthly rate per reader

25-100 readers: $4.50 (10% off)

101 to 399 readers: $4.00 (20% off)

400 to 900 readers: $3.50 (30% off)

More than 900 readers: contact us for a quote

Bulk Individual Subscription, online + print

Plan includes complete online access in addition to individual subscriptions to our annual print magazine.

Yearly rate per reader

25-100 readers: $36.00 (10% off)

101 to 399 readers: $32.00 (20% off)

400 to 900 readers: $28.00 (30% off)

More than 900 readers: contact us for a quote

Group Subscription, online + print

Plan includes complete online access for everyone in your K-12 school, institution of higher education, corporation, or nonprofit plus a group subscription to our annual print magazine.

Contact us for a quote

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