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Ottiya content, either text or images, is available for reuse, as single-use or as regular licensing agreements, and everything in between.
Single-Use Inquiries
If you are a publisher or corporation looking to obtain permissions for individual articles (from our print or digital platforms) please submit your requests at hello[at] Examples include excerpts in books, or if you will be handing out print-outs in a corporate meeting or sharing via a company intranet.
If you are a school or nonprofit organization looking to obtain permissions for individual articles for educational use, please email hello[at]
Image Use
If you would like to reuse a particular image, please take note of the URL or exact volume, issue, and page in which the image resides. Then, follow the following guidelines:
- – If you want to reuse a cover of a past magazine, email hello[at] with the image information.
- – If you want to reuse just the illustration or image, please contact the artist directly. The credit information should be on the page.
- – If you want to reuse a graph or chart, please contact hello[at]
Licensing and Syndication
If you are interested in regularly syndicating or licensing Ottiya content on your website or within your publication, country, language, or region, please email hello[at]
Licensing and/or syndication comes with access and reproduction rights for both Ottiya posts and all associated images.
Syndication deals provide a set number of articles from Ottiya within a year. Multi-year syndication deals are possible. You can syndicate our content in English or translate it to your publication’s language of preference.
Licensing deals provide unlimited use of Ottiya content over a multi-year period. Licensing deals are exclusive to regions and languages. If you are interested in being considered for a licensing partnership please email hello[at]
Reprints and Other
For one-off reprints of past issues, logo use, or mounting of past issues as a display, please contact hello[at]
Ottiya’s Homeschooling Curriculum and digital downloads: All materials that are part of Ottiya’s homeschooling curriculum (that includes materials such as, but are not limited to images, video, and written content) and digital downloads are copyrighted and are for personal non-commercial use only. Customers who have paid access to Ottiya’s homeschooling curriculum or have purchased digital downloads may print out materials that are marked as “printable worksheets” or “downloadable worksheets” for personal use (non-commercial). Customers may not reproduce, transmit, or distribute the materials for/to anyone else.
Other Inquiries
For all other inquiries, please email hello[at]